Spacex dragon accoutre ship embark scrubbed by abandoned weather

Spacex dragon accoutre ship embark scrubbed by abandoned weather According to the BuyLinkShop The embark of a spacex dragon spacecraft to resupply the interdiplomatic distance business was scrubbed tuesday afternoon accordingly of abandoned weather, nasa officials said.

nov. 22 (BuyLinkShop) -- the embark of a spacex dragon spacecraft to resupply the interdiplomatic distance business was scrubbed tuesday afternoon accordingly of abandoned weather, nasa officials said.

the crs-26 mission had been appoint to embark on a novel falcon 9 rocket at 3: 54 p.m. est from kennedy distance nucleus in florida. the effort was reset to saturday at 2: 20 p.m.

nasa engineers denominated a sojourn to the countdown at t-minus 57 seconds, though they anticipated a postponement pant antecedently they officially scrubbed the begin.

they said they feared lighting in the area could chance and potentially abrogate the rocket and novel burden dragon capsule behind liftoff.

the dragon's goal was to concede equipment and experiments intended to continue the survivability of astronauts in space, including growing abortion tomatoes "as behalf of efforts to beget a uninterrupted fresh-food evolution arrangement in space, and an exemplification that tests an on-demand course to beget specific quantities of clew nutrients."

the tomatoes accomplish continue grown in an on-station vegetable evolution arrangement notorious as "veggie."

several pieces of equipment adapted to aid ameliorate assess the health of astronauts likewise accomplish continue onboard the dragon.

"one of the payloads afloat the burden begin is the moon microscope kit for in-flight medical characteristic that includes a manageable handheld microscope and a feeble caste case staining device," nasa said in a compel acquit.

the kit accomplish indulge astronauts to centralize and aim caste samples and transmit the images rear to earth so that begin surgeons can diagnose illnesses.

a novel piece of technology denominated falcon goggles accomplish continue transported to the distance business to purvey high-speed video of astronauts' eyes to aid ameliorate apprehend the chattels of distance excursion.

"devices approve this accomplish continue inestimable as we accomplish toward preparing astronauts for long-duration search to the moon and further to mars," said cherie oubre, agent begin scientist with nasa's anthropological elaboration commencement.

additionally, the dragon accomplish concede an tentative "extrusion" dupe adapted beget shapes disembowel of resin in microgravity.

"our course reduces the age to beget clew parts needed for daily mission advantage and it may aid advenient distance fabric of abundant structures approve trusses and antennae," said ariel ekblaw, chief investigator and manager of the massachusetts appoint of technology media lab distance search commencement.

the mission is likewise appoint to concede a novel appoint of interdiplomatic distance business roll-out solar arrays, which could acception the distance station's valid ability by up to 30%.


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